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Board Minutes 4/16/18

PPID Minutes – 04/16/2018

  • Call to order (In attendance: Lori, Marti, John, Marion, and Kevin via phone)

  • Approve minutes (5 minutes) - John presented minutes from Oct. meeting. Will send to Kevin and Marion.

  • Treasurer Update(10 minutes)

  • Transfer from Hancock Bank to Trustmark – after several emails and discussions with Susan Tsimortos with Hancock, Kristi drafted a letter to Hancock in the same format that attorney Morrow used, we obtained the remainder of the 2013 and 2014 assessments to top off the Trustmark account. We received the check from Hancock and deposited it. Now we can address the money contained in the 2015 budget next when needed.

  • Fund Balances – Hancock Operating Fund – $3,269.52, Hancock Revenue $884,391.52, Hancock Interest – $1,316.91, Hancock Debt Service $601,318.77, Hancock Construction $40.00, Trustmark Operating $75,862.47. Total in all accounts is $1,566,199.19.

  • Bond Refunding – pages from original legal filing by Marti missing. Kevin says the Bond Underwriters keep coming back with questions, which seems good. More to follow as we know it.

  • Hugh Ward Parkway Update(15 minutes)

  • Landscaping – Lori texted Phil today. Bushes to fill in two beds are ordered. Phil will contact supplier to see when they will be in and let Lori know.

  • Irrigation System – Phil’s brother a quick quote. Marti has an irrigation contractor. It is a zone, 2-wire system with 32 zones. Electrical is in place, as well as main piping and meters. Orkin has a contractor and John will find out who that is. Lori will reach out to Wilson & Wilson to attempt to get original schematics from their initial installation. We agreed it best to even pay someone to do a thorough investigation of the problems so we can get an accurate quote on fixing the system. We are in agreement that fixing irrigation is desirable if not overly expensive. Approximately $10,000 seems to be the agreed upon amount all are willing to spend on this fix.

  • Lighting – Kevin has been discussing lighting with Daniel. He met with B & B lighting to look at a few alternatives, light posts, ordering 4 of those where 4 have gone down, make sure they look ok. Once they have confirmed they work and work well, they will replace all paid for by the county and county will also pay Entergy bill for these poles and future lighting along HWB. This will take approximately 90 days for poles to come in, then installation. Entire project for replacing lighting could take close to a year.

  • Trash Cans – John motion, Marti second, all in favor, per map for placement. (See map attached.) Lori will give Phil the go-ahead to order 5 cans. Lori will also contact Daniel Cross regarding possible permits and/or permission needed for placement.

  • Other New Business: (10 minutes) - Marion asked if we could put a plaque of some sort on the trash cans indicating they are provided by the Pinelands PID. Will take under advisement. Possible wording: “Provided for your convenience by the P.I.D.”

  • Adjourn

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