Board Minutes - October 2020
PID Board Meeting
October 20, 2020
In attendance: Kevin Prince, Jamene Banks, Marion Alford and Lori Voss.
Meeting held outside at Gardens of Manship clubhouse.
Meeting came to order at 6:10 p.m.
1. Tag Readers:
Marion shared that the City of Flowood and Rankin County Sheriff’s office would like to install “Tag Readers” at intersection of Hugh Ward Boulevard and Manship Road. The City and Sheriff’s office will share the cost of this installation.
2. Lighting:
After discussion regarding B&B and Entergy proposals on lighting, it was decided to get another quote – this one from Southern Electric Company. Kevin will contact SEC and get a quote to the Board for review.
3. Landscaping:
Lori will contact SchogginScapes to set up a time to meet with their go-to person for Hugh Ward and show them the maintenance/replacement items along the boulevard.
Follow-up. Lori and Leslie met with Andrew Embry from SchogginScapes in late November and walked the entire length of Hugh Ward to discuss each area where maintenance is needed on existing landscaping, removal of dead bushes/trees, and replacement if necessary. Andrew will send a quote for this work. Because of the upcoming work on lighting in the median, it was decided that any work on landscaping would be better left until after lighting work is done so that any new plantings would not be possibly disturbed.
4. Next meeting: January, 2021.
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.