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Board Minutes - February 2021

PID Board Meeting

February 9, 2021

In attendance: Marion Alford, Leslie Smith and Lori Voss.

Meeting held at Gardens of Manship clubhouse. Meeting came to order at 6:15 p.m.

1. Board:

a. Kevin Prince has moved out of the PIDD area. Reluctantly the Board voted to accept his resignation! We want to officially thank Kevin Prince for the outstanding work he has done while serving on this Board. He has continually worked to improve accountability, adherence to statutes governing the PIDD, and all areas of maintenance and lighting issues that affect the boulevard and the people who live in the PIDD area. He has established a solid foundation going forward in order to make this PIDD a successful one.

b. New Board positions: Marion Alford – President; Leslie Smith – Vice President/Treasurer; Lori Voss – Secretary; Jamene Banks – Member. The Board will be seeking a replacement member to take Kevin’s place.

c. Leslie Smith voted to replace Kevin as new contact person for insurance company.

2. PID Website:

Kevin Prince has created and maintained the PIDD Website since before he was officially on the Board at his own expense. The Board has voted to have him continue with the website for an annual fee of $1,200. This fee will be paid in advance.

3. Lighting:

a. Kevin obtained a quote from SEC and the Board voted to accept their bid. Their bid totaled $212,731.52 and will include directional boring between poles, replacing top fixtures on 28 double head poles and 4 single head poles, amps, meter base, time clock, photocell, quazite boxes with traffic rated lids, and conductor necessary to power new fixtures on existing poles. At this time we are awaiting word from SEC as to when they can begin this work. Marion will contact Chris Juarez at SEC to get an update.

b. City of Flowood will fix/replace the two damaged light poles between Manship Road and Lakeland Drive.

4. Tag Readers:

Flowood police have requested to be able to use the meter at Hugh Ward and Manship Road to run their proposed tag readers. This would be a very minimal monthly charge to the PIDD and would enhance security in the over-all area.

5. Miscellaneous:

a. Will contact Entergy to have other meter near West Pinebrook and Huntington intersection permanently turned off. The two meters along Hugh Ward were originally installed for the irrigation system.

b. Sidewalk section near Deer Park entrance once again needs to be replaced. Will contact Rankin County.

6. Next meeting: April, 2021.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.


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