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Board Minutes - July 2020

PID Board Meeting

July 20, 2020

As a result of the COVID-19 closures, a Board meeting was not held in April, 2020.

In attendance: Kevin Prince, Leslie Smith, Jamine Banks and Lori Voss in person; Marion Alford and Kristi Thompson via Zoom.

Meeting held at Reservoir Community Center, Spillway Road, Brandon, and via Zoom conferencing.

Meeting came to order at 6:05 p.m.

1. Landscaping:

a. Leslie/Kevin stated there are a few areas along boulevard where landscaping is missing, damaged or dead. Leslie and Lori will walk boulevard and note these areas and present a plan to Scoggins for work to be done in the Spring.

b. Scoggins has now removed unused metal landscaping stakes.

2. Lighting:

a. Much discussion on two lighting proposals: one from B&B Lighting and one from Entergy.

b. The B&B proposal would cost roughly $273,000 up front and would include boring along entire length of boulevard, running electrical cable, reworking existing poles to run on electricity, adding two new service points, adding cobra-style lights, etc. and labor. From then on we would just have an increased electricity fee of roughly $500 per month.

c. Entergy’s proposal had no up-front cost and would include the same boring/electrical cable work and adding service points, but would install all new poles and monthly payments to Entergy would be between $5,400 and $8,500, (depending on if we “sub” out the boring and electrical cable work).

d. Of the two proposals for the actual lighting fixture styles (cobra or acorn), the cobra style was determined to be the best for our purposes. The cobra style provides more lighted area whereas the acorn style would require more poles to be installed.

e. After discussion, all on the Board leaned towards the B&B proposal. Kevin is going to get more information from B&B such as: 1) do they offer any service warranty; 2) what is individual pole replacement cost in case of damage, and; 3) what they would charge to do just the boring and cable work. Kevin will email Board members this information and Board will take a final e-vote on this issue. Our goal is to have work commence by the Spring of 2021.

3. Financial Matters:

a. Kristi Thompson went over proposed 2021 budget, comparing actual costs to proposed costs. She will be able to finalize once lighting decision is made.

b. Kevin Prince made motion to pay Board members $500 each for 2020, Leslie Smith 2d the motion, motion passed. Kristi will put this item on August docket.

4. Next meeting: Monday, October 19, 2020.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.


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