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Board Minutes- Nov 2022

PID Board Meeting

November 9, 2022

In attendance:  Marion Alford, Leslie Smith, Jamene Banks and Lori Voss.

Meeting held at Lori’s home, 266 E. Pinebrook Drive.  Meeting came to order at 6:40 p.m.

1. Board:

Marion nominated Nate Ganz to fill Board vacancy.  Leslie seconded motion.  Unanimous vote to approve.


2. Budget:

Marion and Kristi had discussed budget and Kristi prepared a proposal for the next fiscal year.


Assessments:  After discussion about projected potential projects and the ending of the PID in a few years, it was decided to reduce the residential assessment to $375.00 per year from $425.00 and the acreage assessment to $900.00 per year from $925.00.  Kristi will give this information to the Rankin County Tax Assessor’s office for processing.


The budget for the coming year was left mostly as it was from last year with the exception of the assessments mentioned above.  Budget was approved.  


3. Lighting:

Since August when SEC finished installing the poles, Marion has been working with various Rankin County agencies and Entergy to get a proper Entergy account established and power turned on to the median lighting.  Marion is now scheduled to meet with Rankin County Community Development personnel to do an inspection and forward results to Entergy so they can install meters and get the power turned on.  

Marion will double check SEC invoices and compare to our final contract with them to make sure charges are in line with our agreement.  


4. Landscaping:

In late October, Leslie and Lori met with Andrew Embry with SchoggenScapes to discuss replacing dead landscaping along the boulevard.  Each bed from Manship Road to Avalon Way was discussed, with Andrew taking pictures and notes to give to his landscape architect.  A Landscape Proposal was presented to us dated November 2, 2022 with each bed itemized according to the need.  The final total for this entire project, which includes removing all dead plants, pine straw, topsoil for backfill, new plants, labor, taxes and equipment is $15,252.  For the most part, the Board agreed on the proposed replacement plants but will ask Andrew for more options in certain areas and a revised proposal.  The Board agreed that the $15,252 price for this initial proposal was reasonable and we would want to keep the revised proposal around that same amount, not to exceed $18,000.




5. Miscellaneous:  


Street cleaning will be done after lighting and landscaping projects are completed in the spring of 2023.


The new development at the NW corner of Manship Road and Hugh Ward was discussed.  Water runoff coming into Huntington Lakes and Turtle Creek (Pinebrook) is a problem and the Office of Pollution Control Stormwater Compliance of the MDEQ is aware of the problem and is monitoring it.  


Also discussed in connection with this development is the assessment values.  Whereas it is currently assessed under the acreage amount each year, as it is developed that will change to lot assessments.  While not exactly sure, the total amount collected from this piece of land will probably not change much.  


6. Next meeting:  March 14, 2023.  


7. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.



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