General Update - Summer 2018
General Update
Let me first apologize for the delay in getting the previous minutes on the site. I am not a fan of excuses, but I’ll use one here… Between my wife and I welcoming a beautiful baby girl back at the end of June and a responsibility change at work early this year… let’s just say it’s been a busy year!!!
Here’s a general overview/update of the big items going on if you don’t want to read all the minutes:
PID Assessments are going DOWN this year.
Assessment will drop $22 and change from $487 to $465.
I know it’s not a huge reduction, but I can’t tell you how hard this board has worked to reduce expenses to save you $ while also increasing the quality of service along Hugh Ward Blvd.
PID Refunding (Refinancing)
We are also still working to get the bond refunded (refinanced) at a lower rate and anticipate, if successful, we could potentially save up to $1MM. We are working hard to try and make this a reality!
Hugh Ward Updates
Lights & Paving on Hugh Ward
A huge thank you to Daniel Cross and the board of supervisors for their help getting these 2 items approved.
Hopefully you’ve noticed but paving is completed!
REAL LED lights coming soon! – You’ll start to see them appear over the coming months.
A full street sweeping was also completed in the spring and we are working toward this being a more frequent occurrence.
Hopefully you’ve noticed consistent maintenance of the blvd this year
The final step in this process is happening right now and why you see so many brown spots… removing the dallis grass!
We’re also going to fix the irrigation system starting next month. It’s been broken for 2+ years now but we are in a position to repair it now.
Trash cans along Hugh Ward/Manship
You’ll notice there are now trash cans along the walking trails now. These will be lined and emptied on a weekly basis. We hope this will help in the upkeep of the area.
If you feel so inclined, please help us Keep the Rez beautiful by picking up a bottle or two as you go on your walk. You now have several handy places to deposit them.