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October 2018 Board Minutes

PID Board Meeting

October 15, 2018

In attendance: Kevin Prince, Marti Morgan, John Everett, Marion Alford, and Lori Voss

Meeting held at Soulshine Pizza, Flowood.

Meeting came to order at 6:25 p.m.

  1. Financial Matters:

A draft of the Final Audit for 2017 should be coming soon. Refunding firm waiting for this before moving forward. 2018 Audit to follow.

  1. John questioned whether an election would be needed to refund the bond. We will inquire. Kristi may know.

  2. Insurance for 2018 has been paid.

  3. Although 2019 budget has been set and approved, going forward we r

equest Barlow provide a spreadsheet that shows comparison between budget for a particular year and actual monies spent that year so that we can adjust future budgets accordingly.

  1. Board compensation. Kevin suggested we consider this, as it is provided for in the PID Bylaws. Marion suggested any compensation be based on actual time spent on Board matters instead of a flat, equal amount for each Board member, regardless of their time input. We will table this discussion for now and bring it up at next meeting.

  2. Landscaping:

  3. Area behind Deer Park appears to be improved, but because of piles of gravel, etc., it will never be perfect.

  4. Follow-up: No landscaping projects are in the works for the Turtle Ridge area of H.W.

  5. Irrigation: Last meeting we OK’d $5,000 to let Schoggins begin work to fix system. Kevin sent Phil a text asking him where we are with that.

  6. CMBS (Crepe Myrtle Black Scale): Jay with Weed Warriors called Kevin to let him know Huntington Lake had signs of this disease. He will provide a quote to us for treating H.W.

  7. Lori brought up unsightly area along H.W. at corner of Huntington View and H.W. (148 Huntington View) where the area outside the yard of that new house is not being cut by Huntington or the PID. John motioned the PID begin cutting that area, Marion seconded motion, motion passed. Lori will contact Phil.

  8. Lighting: New light fixtures have been installed on existing poles, but wiring is wrong so County is working on that.

  9. Miscellaneous: Kevin paid for meal at Soulshine and will be reimbursed by PID.

  10. Next meeting: January 21, 2019.

Meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.

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