July 2019 Board Minutes
PID Board Meeting
July 15, 2019
In attendance: Kevin Prince, John Everitt, Marion Alford, Lori Voss and Kristi Thompson
Meeting held at Clubhouse of Gardens of Manship, Flowood.
Meeting came to order at 7:12 p.m.
Financial Matters:
Audit should be finished soon.
Kristi will compile a budget spreadsheet comparison showing current budget with actual expenditures to see where we can adjust next year’s budget to be more accurate.
More discussion about how maintenance and lighting will be paid for after PID ends.
Insurance renewal: we will continue with current policy for another year.
Board compensation: A yearly compensation of $500.00 per board member has been approved and Kristi will mail out checks. At the last board meeting, Marti Morgan opted out of receiving compensation. All others will be compensated.
Landscaping contracts with ScogginsScapes and Weed Warriors expire at the end of 2019. All in attendance are satisfied with the work both of these vendors have done for the PID. We will further discuss at October meeting whether we would like to change and/or renew these contracts.
Lighting: Entergy will be completing lighting along entire West side of Hugh Ward within the next week or two. The budget for next year will reflect the increased electricity cost of approximately $500 per month.
Street cleaning will be done sometime within the next two weeks.
Speed bumps will not be installed along boulevard per Daniel Cross.
The two water meters along the boulevard will be turned off, saving approximately $35.00 each per month.
Huntington Lakes HOA requested the board install two more trash cans along the boulevard. Motion by John Everitt, second by Marion, John, Kevin and Marion voted for, Lori voted against the two additional cans. Motion carried. They will be placed at locations to be determined. Kevin emailed Phil Scoggins to get a price for the purchase and installation of those cans.
A resident in Deer Park (304 or 306 Deer Hollow), whose property backs up to the boulevard, has installed a drainage pipe from their swimming pool, under their fence, and onto the green space between their fence and the sidewalk on boulevard. This pipe needs to be cut at the fence so it does not impede mowing of green space.
Lori met with Daniel Cross and Mike Harrison to discuss possibly installing a cross-walk at the West Pinebrook 4-way stop. They said the county could not add the cross-walk striping without also changing how the sidewalks meet the boulevard. Handicap accessibility restrictions prohibit them from simply striping the boulevard. Kevin will contact Daniel Cross to discuss the possibility of the PID paying the cost of the additional sidewalk work necessary to get the cross-walk done. We will discuss this project again.
Board Vacancies: John Everitt will be leaving the board in September due to a move. Some discussion on the proper way to fill board vacancies when they arise.
Next meeting: October 21, 2019.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.